Friday, June 29, 2012

How To Make Homemade Laundry Soap - An Easy Recipe

Making homemade laundry soap is very easy to do, costs pennies per load and you control the ingredients. I've always had good results with my recipes. I use the liquid because I always wash in cold water. The powder works great too and is less trouble to make. Either way I think you will be pleased with the results.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Kidney Bean and Vegetable Salad - An Almost No Cook Easy Vegetarian Recipe

It's getting hot here in the South. When the temperature rises, I feel less and less inclined to turn on my stove. And now my air conditioner is on the fritz. By dinner time the house is muggy and hot. So, until my handy-dandy air repair man gets here, I'll be making dinner ahead during the cool morning hours. This recipe is versatile and easily doubled. It can be used as a main dish or side dish. Great for a BBQ, church get-together, picnic or for the lunch box. Here is my version of an almost no cook vegetarian bean salad....

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Cash Envelope System - Free Printable Cash Envelope


Did you know that you can print your own cash envelopes? The cash envelope system is becoming very popular. I have used the system in the past, but it doesn't work for me personally. So what prompted me to make templates?

Monday, June 25, 2012

Bargain Meal of the Week - Monster Chicken Wings and Grilled Corn

Most grocery stores are gearing up for July 4 cookouts. This means great bargains on ribs, chicken, hamburger and hot dogs. Now is a good time to stock up and save some money. Over at $5 Dinners, I contribute to the Bargain Meal of the Week. Based on this weeks ad I suggest....

Carolina Red BBQ Sauce - Easy Homemade BBQ Sauce Recipe

 Barbecue sauce

Even though BBQ sauce can be cheap to purchase, I like making my own. I can add some heat with red pepper flakes, make it sweet with honey or smoky with liquid smoke. The flavor is completely up to me and my mood. 

Friday, June 22, 2012

How to save money while doing the laundry

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="600"]6 smiling women under tenement clothesline; ca... 6 smiling women under tenement clothesline; caption reads: "Do we look cheerful? Washing clothes is pretty hard work generally, but if you use Kirkman's Borax Soap according to directions, it's really wonderful how it lightens labor and...makes clothes sweet as a rose and white as snow". (Photo credit: Wikipedia)[/caption]

Let's face it, clothes are expensive. Taking care of those clothes can also put a big hole in your budget. By the time you buy all the products 'needed', wash and dry your laundry, you've taken a huge hit.  I budget very little for laundry. In fact, only a very small potion of our food/household budget is used for cleaning and supplies. Here are a few ways I cut back on my laundry expenses.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

My Weekly Household Planner Page With A Free Printable

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="300"]English: Kanazawa Station -- water clock Photo... English: Kanazawa Station (Photo credit: Wikipedia)[/caption]

As I have explained in a previous post about planning , I have a busy schedule. I think we all have busy schedules in one way or another.  One way I keep track of everything is my Household Planner. It keeps me on task, on time and my house running smoothly.

I know most people now have phones with apps that will do what my planner will. But...

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The 10 things I do before breakfast to keep me sane

[caption id="attachment_1068" align="aligncenter" width="230"] I'm not crazy... right?[/caption]

I have my morning routine down pat. I do the whole routine start to finish on cruise control. No matter what time I have to get up and be at work (there are days I'm up by 4 am) I do my best to get these 10 things done. If I do them, my day goes much smoother, I feel more in control of my day and my afternoons are easier. Drum roll please....

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Easy Potato Recipe - Potato Pancakes

[caption id="attachment_1045" align="aligncenter" width="614"] Potato Pancakes with squash and zucchini[/caption]

I love to make potato pancakes. These crispy, slightly oniony pancakes are a savory addition to any meal, even breakfast {similar to hash-browns}. It's a good way to use up leftover mashed potatoes. Potato pancakes are a versatile base for many ingredients. You can add shredded veggies, garlic, chives, cheese... your imagination is the limit. 

Monday, June 18, 2012

Chicken Recipe - How to stretch 1 chicken into 8 meals in 7 easy steps


Yesterday I lucked up on an unbelievable sale! An 8 lb Perdue Whole Roaster Chicken was on sale for $1.08 a pound! This is a vegetarian fed, cage free, antibiotic and hormone free bird. So of course I grabbed one. Instead of oven roasting it, eating what we could hold and freeze the rest, I decided to do this:

Friday, June 15, 2012

Would you like to win this awesome drying rack? Weekend Giveaway! Ya can't beat free!

This contest has ended. Thank you to everyone who participated.


I can't think of a more frugal way to dry clothes than outside on a clothes line. But sometimes you can't hang your clothes outside- rain, snow, not allowed in your neighborhood etc. So what's the next best thing? An indoor drying rack of course! I have three indoor drying racks and I love them!

[caption id="attachment_1032" align="aligncenter" width="614"] Honey-Can-Do Commercial Chrome Drying Rack[/caption]

Thursday, June 14, 2012

What Is Chamomile - Home Remedies With Herbs

This is one tea I think every household should keep on hand. The uses for chamomile are endless. It makes a mild flavored tea and is easily combine with other herbal teas for home remedies.

Chamomile is an herb and a member of the daisy family. Some active ingredients in the flower are flavonoids, apigenin,  luteolin and quercertin. These ingredients contribute to chamomile's anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and smooth-muscle relax action, especially in the gastrointestinal tract.  

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Why You Should Never Eat Boxed Mac & Cheese - Easy Homemade Macaroni and Cheese Recipe


Got home late from work and need to get dinner done in a hurry? That's me most days. I am always looking for quick ways to get dinner on the table. It's so easy to run to the cabinet and grab that box of macaroni and cheese as a side dish. Homemade takes too much time right? No. In fact, it takes the same amount of time to make my macaroni and cheese recipe as the 'blue box' kind.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Happy National Peanut Butter Cookie Day!


Don't forget to share some peanut butter cookies with your loved ones today =) And while your at it... Don't forget to send me your most awesome peanut butter cookie recipe! 

Monday, June 11, 2012

I'm Teaming Up With Erin Chase at $5 Dollar Dinners

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Aldi Süd, Trier (Photo credit: Wikipedia)[/caption]

I am very excited to be linking up with the famous Erin Chase at $5 Dollar Dinners to bring you The Bargain Meal of the Week for Ingles sales ads. Each week I will create a meal based on the Ingles current sales ad. Planning your menus around the sales ads saves loads of money and time. I've been doing my menus this way for years. When items, such as meats, are at rock bottom prices- stock up, freeze it and save money.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Kale and Tomato Pasta - A Simple 5 Ingredient Recipe

Cooking the pasta and kale in the tomatoes with some added water saves time and is a clever short cut with this recipe. We like this dish as a light lunch or side item. With only 5 ingredients it is full of vitamins and it's cheap! This recipe should feed 4. 

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Chicken Recipe - Honey Ginger Stir Fry

This chicken stir fry is sweet yet savory. The veggies are the star of the recipe with a small amount of chicken added in for flavor. I use my cast iron pans because they are the only pans I have. If you have a wok, feel free it use it. I have limited cabinet space which equals-Limited kitchen gadgets  I love this recipe because it ticks off all my favorite boxes -

  • Simple

  • Quick

  • Cheap

It should feed 4 with normal size potions. We (there were 2 of us) ate this for dinner,  I had it for dinner the next night and took it to work for lunch the next day. Zero waste and it was just as yummy the third time around. 

Friday, May 25, 2012

What I Did On My PJ Day

I had a wonderful day off on my PJ Day. I surfed the net without guilt or a timer. As an added bonus I didn't go anywhere, which qualifies as a "No Spend Day". I challenge myself to have "No Spend Day" often, or even better No Spend Day(s) which are tough to do. Having a No Spend Day is a way to save money and really look at your spending habits. How many days can you go without spending a dime?

I did get outside and take a picture tour around the yard.... I chased a bee... or did it chase me? The garden is growing.... what Southern yard is complete without a magnolia tree? A field of wild flowers... a cone of flowers that smell like honey.... the only thing I regret is not being able to share the sounds of buzzing insects, birds singing and me squealing as I run from a bee....


I would love to hear some adventures you've been having lately.... Please comment or better yet leave a link.... I'm off to plan yet another PJ Day...... Yippie

Thursday, May 24, 2012

My Favorite Ways To Save Money - A List Of Frugal Ideas For Food

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="300"]"USE LEFTOVERS - MARK OF A GOOD COOK - ST... "USE LEFTOVERS - MARK OF A GOOD COOK - STUDY YOUR 'ARMY COOK' FOR RECIPES, IDEAS" - NARA - 515949 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)[/caption]

Don't have enough money to go around? There are only 2 solutions to that problem. Make more money or spend less money.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Easy Pastry Dough Recipe

[caption id="attachment_740" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] divide dough, wrap and refrigerate[/caption]

This dough is versatile, easy to make and very forgiving. Versatile because it can be used in savory dishes as well as sweet treats. Easy to make because it has very few ingredients and can be done in a food processor. Forgiving because it rolls out easily even when rolled thin and doesn't tear like some dough. I use this dough to make Chicken Pie Pockets and Pizza Pockets. This recipe yields 10 pocket size disk or 2 crust.

Simple Chicken Recipe - Chicken Pies In A Pocket

This recipe is easy to make and a great substitute for the prepacked 'pockets' you buy in stores. I will usually bake half of them for dinner and freeze the rest. These are a great idea for lunches because they are good at room temperature.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

I'm Going To Let You In On One Of My Secrets .... Shhhhh



Tomorrow is my day off. I mean truly off. From Everything. Tomorrow is what I call PJ Day. My guilt free fun day! Shhhh it's a secret from everyone. I don't tell anyone who knows me I'm off from work that day. The day to day tasks, activities and obligations seem to wear me down after awhile. I get tired of being "On" all the time. "Gotta be productive!" "Gotta get it done" "Gotta be a responsible adult" I am here to stand up and say "No! Not on PJ Day!"

Monday, May 21, 2012

Inspiration - Silence


"We need to find God and He cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature- trees, flowers, grass- grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence... We need silence to be able to touch souls."

~Mother Teresa

Thank you Mark at Minimalist Living for reminding me of this quote.

Green Clean - How To Make Furniture Polish


Have you ever wondered how to be eco friendly while cleaning your home? It's easy to go green while you clean and save money by making your own cleaners. A one time purchase of spray bottles and containers will help keep all those plastic bottles out of the trash. Not only is this environment friendly, but homemade cleaners are safer to use. Most are made from items in your kitchen. Kids can safely join in the Green Clean Team while using them.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Homemade Dinner Roll Recipe - Make Ahead Refrigerator Rolls



(Printable Recipe)

This recipe makes up to 24 rolls. Use as much as you would like and keep the rest in the fridge for another meal. I purchase yeast in bulk at the local health food store. Currently it is $4.49 a pound. This is a much cheaper option than the small packets. Store the yeast in the freezer to keep it fresh. A pound of yeast lasts me 6 months or longer.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Planning - How I Learned To Like A Household Time Schedule

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="400"]Gentaur schedule Gentaur schedule (Photo credit: Wikipedia)[/caption]

Let me start off by saying I really dislike a schedule. I am more of a free spirit. I would much rather take the day as it comes. Oh sure, I have a work schedule I have to abide by and somehow I am ok with that. But my off time, I want to be mine and free from watching the clock. I want to read a book, watch a movie, take a walk, blog or whatever. Maybe run off on a spur of the moment day trip. Or maybe something as simple as making a new recipe. So much exploring to do and so little time. Sounds like fun right?

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

One Lovely Blog Award

I would like to thank Amy at Afternoon Popcorn Snack for nominating me for the One Lovely Blog Award! I was extremely honored she chose my humble blog.

Please take the time to visit her blog where Amy shares her life, eye candy with her wonderful photos and good eats through amazing recipes.

Rules of  acceptance (as mentioned by other bloggers):

*thank the person who nominated you and link back to them in your post
*share 7 things about yourself
*nominate 10 or so bloggers you admire
*contact your chosen bloggers to let them know

7 new things about myself:
1. I am new to blogging, and I'm hooked =)
2. I quit my time consuming job and live on half what I use to
3. I love to hike
4. I get bored if I am not constantly challenged, that's why I love blogging
5. I can't make real sourdough bread to save my life, but I keep trying, would anyone care for leftover bricks?
6. I don't like to shop
7. I am very good at making something outta nothing- when it comes to food and making do with what you've got

Drum roll please......

My nominations for the One Lovely Blog Award go to (in no certain order)

Vintage Reflections

Much A Munch


Minimalist Living


The fauxMARTHA

Sadie & Dasie

A Modern Christian Woman 

Domestic Diva, M.D.



Monday, May 7, 2012

How To Make Almond Milk and Simple Recipe

Making your own fresh raw almond milk is simple to do. Raw almond milk is more delicious, healthy and frugal. You are able to control the ingredients such as sweeteners and flavorings. There is less waste when you make your own. No boxes or plastic containers to throw away. As an added bonus, you can use the leftover solids (meal) in many recipes- added to muffins (yum), in place of bread crumbs, oatmeal topping etc.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Why I don't feel guilty about eating out.....

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="240"]Salad Bar Salad Bar (Photo credit: Vancouver Bites!)[/caption]

No I don't always cook everything from scratch. I am doing my best to feed my family healthy food but there are times when its necessary for us to eat out. I use to feel guilty about relying on restaurants for some of our dinners. Not anymore.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Welcome to Naturally Frugal Homemaker

Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...Hi! I'm Angie. Welcome to Naturally Frugal Homemaker! Although I may be the new kid on the blogging block, I am not new to frugal tips and tricks. I have spent almost 30 years developing frugal habits, cooking and 'make it yourself' recipes. So grab a cup of kombucha tea and make yourself comfortable. Feel free to roam around Naturally Frugal Homemaker, where my home is your home....

How To Make Peppermint Bath Salts

Soaking in a tub with bath salts are a soothing way to ease aching muscles, inflammation  and stress. Making your own is a frugal and fun. Here is my recipe for Peppermint Bath Salts

Monday, April 30, 2012

Amish Baked Oatmeal Recipe

There is just something comforting about oatmeal. It warms the heart and soul. What's better than a steaming bowl of oatmeal? Amish Baked Oatmeal. It's quick, simple and versatile. You make the oatmeal the night before, stick it in the fridge to hang out and bake in the morning. This recipe freezes well. You can make two batches, bake one and freeze the other. Cook once and eat twice is the easiest way I know to do freezer cooking.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

What Is Success


success  (sÉ™kˈsÉ›s)

— n

the favourable outcome of something attempted

the attainment of wealth, fame, etc

an action, performance, etc, that is characterized by success

a person or thing that is successful

It is my opinion that to have success at something you must pay a price. Let me explain. In order to be great at something takes:



Too many people spend money they haven’t earned, to buy things they don’t want, to impress people they don’t like

– Will Roger

Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Dreaded Word.. How To Budget Part 1

Which One Is Right?
If you missed the Introduction to the Budget Series click here. We talked last time about how everyone has a budget in place already (even if it's the 'I'm going to ignore it' budget) There are several types of budgets available, so what's the right one for you? Well, that is as personal as what kind of toothbrush you prefer. If there was one cure-all, we'd all be using that system right now...

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Disinfectant Spray Cleaner

Spray bottle in the city
Mix and put in a spray bottle. Use when someone is sick or you need extra cleaning power.

5 Simple and Stress Free Steps To A Clean Bathroom

Here are my 5 simple and stress free ways to keep your bathroom clean everyday. It’s one thing I don’t have to put on my ‘To Do List’, because it’s ‘To Done’ in my morning routine. My work schedule is anything but regular. I needed to develop quick ways to clean my home. Here is just one of the ways I do that.  Ahhh it’s so nice coming home to a clean bathroom…

Uses and a Recipe for Scented Vinegar Spray

A spray bottle. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

This spray can be used in many different areas of your home. It can be used as: 

Do You Send Flowers for Mother's Day?

If so Living Social has a great deal! Pay only $15.00 for $30.00 to spend online with Pro Flowers! Order now! Mother's Day is May 13th. Only 17 days here to order yours now

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Uses and a Recipe for Scented Vinegar Spray

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="100" caption="A spray bottle. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)"]A spray bottle.[/caption]

This spray can be used in many different areas of your home. It can be used as: 

5 Simple and Stress Free Steps To A Clean Bathroom

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Bathroom Refacing (Photo credit: Wikipedia)"]Bathroom Refacing[/caption]

Here are my 5 simple and stress free ways to keep your bathroom clean everyday. It's one thing I don't have to put on my 'To Do List', because it's 'To Done' in my morning routine. My work schedule is anything but regular. I needed to develop quick ways to clean my home. Here is just one of the ways I do that.  Ahhh it's so nice coming home to a clean bathroom...

Disinfectant Spray Cleaner Recipe

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="180" caption="Spray bottle in the city (Photo credit: nebulaenova)"]Spray bottle in the city[/caption]

Mix and put in a spray bottle. Use when someone is sick or you need extra cleaning power.

Monday, April 23, 2012



photo by Tom BKK

Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending

-Maria Robinson 


Sunday, April 22, 2012

Oh How I Love Smoothies....

   My smoothie adventures stem from very different sources

  1. My kids have always loved smoothies. We would grab some at the mall as a treat. I watched as they would make these very expensive yummy drinks and took notes. I'm always looking for ways to copy cat recipes to save money.
  2. I've always wanted a juicer. Several years ago, my Mom, Sister and myself found Hallelujah Acres  and started following their vegetarian diet plan. Much of what Hallelujah Acres has in the diet is raw foods and juices. I currently eat meat so I have a modified version I follow but Mom is still a vegetarian. I've always needed wanted to purchase a juicer so I am saving until I can purchase one with cash. Until then I make smoothies.
  3. Not long ago I had gotten really off track with my diet. I was eating whatever, whenever. Cakes, cookies and fast food were my weapons of choice. While laying in bed very sick with some virus I caught, I happened to see a documentary called Fat Sick and Nearly DeadDing Ding Ding! Hello its your wake up call..... Needless to say I've done a 180.
   Now for breakfast we have smoothies. These are a delicious way to get several raw fruits and veggies into our diet.

   The way I keep cost low is to go by the EWG guide to purchasing produce. You can find my article To Be or Not To Be Organic here.  I buy in bulk, let the fruit ripen and keep them in the freezer. Strawberries, blueberries and banana's you can leave whole. Mango, pineapple, kiwi etc. I cut into smaller pieces before I freeze them.

Find all of my recipes here....

Good Morning Sunshine Smoothie Recipe

So what is a smoothie? A healthful, delicious way to drink your veggies....

Most of my smoothies have the same base ingredients:

The Green Machine Smoothie Recipe

photo by jules:stonesoup 

This smoothie taste like a peanut butter milkshake yum!

So what is a smoothie? A healthful, delicious way to drink your veggies....

Most of my smoothies have the same base ingredients: