Wednesday, May 16, 2012

One Lovely Blog Award

I would like to thank Amy at Afternoon Popcorn Snack for nominating me for the One Lovely Blog Award! I was extremely honored she chose my humble blog.

Please take the time to visit her blog where Amy shares her life, eye candy with her wonderful photos and good eats through amazing recipes.

Rules of  acceptance (as mentioned by other bloggers):

*thank the person who nominated you and link back to them in your post
*share 7 things about yourself
*nominate 10 or so bloggers you admire
*contact your chosen bloggers to let them know

7 new things about myself:
1. I am new to blogging, and I'm hooked =)
2. I quit my time consuming job and live on half what I use to
3. I love to hike
4. I get bored if I am not constantly challenged, that's why I love blogging
5. I can't make real sourdough bread to save my life, but I keep trying, would anyone care for leftover bricks?
6. I don't like to shop
7. I am very good at making something outta nothing- when it comes to food and making do with what you've got

Drum roll please......

My nominations for the One Lovely Blog Award go to (in no certain order)

Vintage Reflections

Much A Munch


Minimalist Living


The fauxMARTHA

Sadie & Dasie

A Modern Christian Woman 

Domestic Diva, M.D.




  1. Thanks for the nomination and congratulations!

  2. I totally understand #4 and blogging keeps my brain going. :-) Glad you found it too. Totally with you on #6. I HATE shopping!

  3. Thank you so much for the nomination!

  4. [...] would like to thank Angie at Naturally Frugal Homemaker for nominating for the One Lovely Blog Award.  I’m very humbled and honored that Angie [...]

  5. Thank you for the nomination.

  6. You are welcome and Thank you! You have given me support and I wanted to say thanks.

  7. What's funny, I work in a retail store... Maybe that's why I want to stay out of the stores once I get off work ha ha. I love my job though. I love helping people and the interaction with a wide array of characters you meet daily. I have the opportunity to turn someones bad, grumpy day into a good one or solve someones problems =)

  8. I used to work retail as well. It was definitely interesting!

  9. Thank you so much for the nomination :)

  10. Thank you for the nomination. I love to make someone smile, so I am happy if you have enjoyed my writing.
