Sunday, April 29, 2012

What Is Success


success  (səkˈsɛs)
— n
1.the favourable outcome of something attempted
2.the attainment of wealth, fame, etc action, performance, etc, that is characterized by success
4.a person or thing that is successful

It is my opinion that to have success at something you must pay a price. Let me explain. In order to be great at something takes:

  • Time - to be good at most everything it takes time. Time to practice, time learn, time to develop. 'Oh I wish I had more time.'

  • Hard Work - working at something you love isn't hard. Working hard toward the wrong goal requires more than physical strength. It drains you emotionally as well.

  • Dedication - to devote wholly and earnestly, as to some person or purpose

  • Persistence - refusing to give up or let go

  • Sometimes Money - unless you have a whole lot of talent in the area of your pursuit. It will require some lessons, classes, materials etc.

In my little world, I had considered myself to be moving up in my career. I worked very hard to move up through the ranks. I was persistent, extremely dedicated and spent most of my time at work. I was earning more than money than I had ever had. There are those who would consider it a meager sum, but to me it was amazing.

My cost?

  • Time away from family, my children and my home. By the time I did get home, I was exhausted and grumpy.

  • Added stress caused from loss of time and job related stress

  • The worst for me: constantly disappointing my family. "I'm sorry I can't _____ I have to work" It got to the point my family stopped asking. Heartbreaking.

Sure the money in the bank was great. Having money in the bank gives you stability right? Not when everything else around you is crumbling. "I have more money than time, so here's some $$$." Is that what your family really wants?As a single mom there is a blurry line between providing and 'being there' for your kids.

I finally had enough of trying to climb the proverbial ladder. I wanted to be a success in my family's eyes. I wanted my kids, my grandkids, my true love and my family to have more of Me. Not a fist full of bills. I can't give out $$$ anymore. Instead I give out kisses, hugs, laughs and silly songs. Now my days are spent chasing my grandkids, cooking for my family and spending time with them. This is what I work hard at. This is what I will dedicate my life to. This to me, is the true meaning of success....

Matthew 6:33

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Learn more about me here...

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