Did you know that you can print your own cash envelopes? The cash envelope system is becoming very popular. I have used the system in the past, but it doesn't work for me personally. So what prompted me to make templates? I had a customer where I work ask for some cash envelopes that were pre-printed. Our store doesn't carry any and we are taught as associates to 'think outside the box' in order to help our customers. I was brainstorming with the customer on ways she could make the envelopes. She had no idea how to even begin to make a template. So, I gave her other options she was more comfortable with. She went home happy but not having exactly what she wanted. That's when I knew there must be a need for templates like this. Here are mine and I would like to share with you.....
My templates use a number 6 3/4 envelope found at most stores. I bought mine at Staples. A package of 50 was only $1.99. Follow these steps to print your cash envelopes
- go to my Free Printable Page
- click on the envelope of your choice
- a new window will open
- save that as a pdf to your computer
- open the saved pdf from your computer
- click print, under your printers 'properties' section- set paper size as 3.6" wide and 6.5" as the height (also check your page scaling selections it should be set to none)
- place envelope in the tray used for printing envelopes on your printer (this is printer specific, each model is different) and click print.
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